Mystery Registration has started!

I’m excited to announce that I am offering an online Mystery Class through Shining Needle Society again. For the first time, the Mystery design is square. It’s also different than my other Mysteries but does cover the canvas completely. Class will start on January 1st – I think it’ll be fun to start a brand…
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Where has the summer gone?!

It has been a fairly lazy summer for me – after a wildly busy spring traveling and teaching, I was happy to have a couple of months at home with a  week long vacation the middle of July to visit friends. I have used a good portion of  the summer creating next year’s Mystery class…
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May flowers…

I’ve been spending some time digging out flower beds and doing a little planting. Although I love flowers and would like to have a beautifully landscaped yard and garden, I’m not a big fan of actually working with dirt and yard tools. After planting a bunch of flowers and a few vegetables this past weekend…
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New Releases for Nashville Market

February is one of the craziest months as the Nashville wholesale market is the first weekend in March. For the first time ever, I had completed stitching all of my designs by the end of December and managed to eke out a new Holiday Delights in January! I felt great being ahead of the game…
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After Christmas Sale

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday. I finished a big project just before midnight and look forward to showing you soon. In the meantime, Tis the season for a sale! As we approach the new year, to thank you for a fabulous 2017, I’m offering an After Christmas Sale. To bring in 2018,…
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Cranberry Star

It has been a busy fall. I finished up this year’s teaching in October, went to Shipshewana for my annual quilting retreat in November, and started a remodel of my master bathroom which also included replacing the flooring and painting the master bedroom. It has been quite disruptive to say the least but I know…
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Happy Fall Y’all!

It’s the first day of Autumn – yippee!! Although my air conditioning is still blasting, there’s the promise of cooler weather coming soon. I wait for it every year with great anticipation. This is one of my favorite times of the year – football season has started and baseball season is winding down. I’m hoping…
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Amethyst Garden

 I haven’t blogged in months! It feels like only weeks as time flies so quickly. I’ve been traveling and teaching and generally, keeping too busy. I’ve created a new design to teach through Shining Needle Society. This is Amethyst Garden and finishes about 7.5×7.5. I put it into a Sudberry box – what an easy…
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Back from Nashville & New Mailing List

I’m back from Nashville – had a great time at market. It’s always fun to see everybody – it’s like a family reunion! I love seeing all the new things, putting my hands on new threads, and most important, visiting with the shopowners who carry my designs. As a former shopowner, I know how hard…
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Nashville Releases

I‘ve got everything ready to go for the Nashville market – that is, I’ll be ready to go after stuffing a thousand or so charts into plastic bags when they get here from the printer today or tomorrow! That’s the glamorous life of a designer, heehee! Here’s what the shopowners will be able to purchase…
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