Fantastic Framing…and more
Sarah sent me this photo of her framed “Appalachia” – she turned it on its side and had some really cool mats cut for it.
Another photo from Sarah is her finished “Aquamarine”. The framing is simple and really sets it off.
This is Mary E.’s “Amazing Color” – she used this as a “stash piece” and used DMC floss and perles in various colors, metallics (cool addition as I didn’t use any in this piece), rayon, and variegated threads. Didn’t she do a great job?!
Here’s something I rejected. Although I’ll be ripping it out of my Mystery, I really liked part of it so have already used it in my new design – it just didn’t look right as part of my Mystery piece..and yes, I know the photo is really blurry! I cropped it from a much larger photo. If you’re keeping track, the color shows a hint of my colorway! That’s Peacock Watercolours and Terra Potta Belle Soie.
I’m off to stitch a little more border tonight. It’s boring but necessary for this piece. I don’t enjoy stitching borders much – have you ever noticed many of my pieces don’t have borders…or much “background”?! I chalk it up to my short attention span or wanting to move on to the next fun spot!
Oh, boy can't wait to see more of your works in progress! I love Aquamarine and am going to stitch that one as soon as I finish Strawberry Shortcake. You are my favorite designer of needlepoint! I loved all your new releases at the Baltimore market.