Back from market…
Okay, I’ve been home a week but the days have been flying by. I’ve fortuately been making a daily trek (it’s only 4 miles) to the post office every afternoon with piles of packages and then working some more when I come home. I can’t seem to catch up with all the orders – distributors, shops, and also still liquidating the inventory from the shop on my website I’ll be adding more than just patterns as soon as I’m caught up with all the current mail.
Nashville was totally awesome. Everyone there seeemed to be in such a great mood and happiness pervaded the air in my room, for sure. [I love blogging because I can write like I talk and not necessarily grammatically correct]. This was my first market being only an exhibitor and not a buyer for a shop so it was incredibly wonderfully relaxing for me. I did still get to run around and see my designer friends and all their new goodies but not have to stress about what to buy and how much. There was lots of great stuff though and I did pick up a book from one of my favorites!
My new titles were well received so you should be seeing them in your local shops. If you don’t, let them know you want them. If you’re in the unfortunate group of people who don’t have a local shop (like me now…), I’m happy to send you what you want.
My camera went to market but as is typical, I didn’t take any photos. Fortunately, mom did though! She never goes anywhere without her camera and is always using it. At market our rooms are set up in our suite at an Embassy Suites hotel and all the shopowners run from room to room to see everything. Here are a few shots of my setups…first up are my new titles – this is what everybody wants to see first!
Since I released a Color Delights every month for about three years, I didn’t frame them but rather just put a mat on them. A few of them are lined up along the back of the couch and they looked good. When I first put them up, I lined them up in color order like the rainbow but they aren’t this way in the photo! They got picked up and moved around a lot. It’s fun to see how 3 or 4 go together in a grouping. My friend Dottie was nice enough to loan me her pillows of Amazing Color and Burst of Stars. We put my framed Burst of Stars in the middle of the couch and it’s interesting to see what a difference the two colorways are and how different a piece looks depending on whether it’s framed or made into a pillow.
Would love to see this in person!!!1