Christmas Ornament Tree 2


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This piece was the result of one year’s “Ornament of the Month” classes. The ornaments were all circular in shape and fairly simple – I did have to make the very first and “top” ornament a little more advanced to have a star at the top of the tree. When I was growing up, we always had a star on the top of our Christmas tree so it seems most “normal” to me for a star to go on top. And I LOVE Stars!

The “Ornament Tree” was stitched with space between the ornaments on one piece of canvas and then a mat was cut with the circles to show the ornaments as a tree. They were also stitched individually and finished as ornaments – they make a great “take-along” project and work up quickly. It’s a great “Stash Reduction” piece if you do them in different colors.

The tree idea was inspired by people asking if they could stitch all the ornaments on one piece of canvas (to avoid so much Finishing work). The first Ornament Tree was stitched all in greens. For this second tree, I included three colorways – “Traditional” (red & green as shown, using Holiday Watercolours), “Neutral” using creams & golds, and “Jewel Tones” using Cranberry Watercolours.

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Pattern Only, Kit (original), Kit (neutral elegant), Kit (jewel tone)